I am a Scientific Illustrator primarily focused on Technical Illustration, Medical Illustration, Paleoart and Science Communication. I have over 10 years of experience working as a professional artist.

I find our planets natural history and wildlife to be an endless source of inspiration, and I absolutely love to draw. I have a diverse set of artistic skills and a solid fundamental understanding of anatomy. As a freelancer, I’ve worked with many Paleontologists, Anthropologists, and medical professionals, as well as large companies whose focus is engineering and manufacturing of complex, cutting edge technology.

I’m highly competent working with traditional media like ink and graphite, and I utilize these as much as possible in my commissions, however I’m very much capable of producing digital paintings and vector-based illustrations as well. I’m always looking for fascinating and challenging work, and I bring a very high degree of technical skill, imagination, and professional enthusiasm to each project I’m a part of.

Some of my previous clients include Netflix, PBS Digital Studios, Complexly, The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, The National Park Service, The Grand Canyon Museum Collection, Fossil News Magazine, and The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

Thank you kindly for taking the time to view my website! For project, commission or employment inquiries, please email me at contact@artofjimi.com

instagram & twitter: @ art_of_jimi
